Homemade Herbed Whole Wheat Pasta with Peas and Sunflower Sprouts

Homemade Herbed Whole Wheat Pasta with Peas and Sunflower Sprouts

// A fulfilling and bright spring dish. The herbed whole wheat pasta adds a level of depth and heartiness while the peas and sprouts provide essential lightness and nutrients. If you have never made homemade pasta, I encourage you to give it a go. It is relatively simple and is a totally different experience from its dried counterpart.

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Farro Salad with Roasted Grapes and Lacinato Kale

Farro Salad with Roasted Grapes and Lacinato Kale

// When it comes to the Thanksgiving meal and its dishes, the members of my family are traditionalists who just tweak old recipes. The menu is like many others: turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, pie, store-bought Hawaiian rolls (who are we kidding, we all love these), and an abundance of gravy.  

To prepare for this year, I did more than just fancy up a classic, I decided to implement a whole new dish with this salad. Farro is a common Italian grain that is acclaimed for its nutty flavors and chewy texture.  Its hearty, delicious, and can stand against any super grain in the nutrition department.  Coupled with the plump, roasted grapes that simply burst in your mouth, and the earthy, sweet lacinato kale, this salad is a winner and a beauty on any holiday table.

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